“Boy, do you remember this?”
“Don’t you remember sometime in June, we made a donation to 《星洲日报》? The little boy who is just 2 months old, he has 2 big holes at his heart. He needs a lot of money to go for operation. Remember now?”
“Oh, ya. I remember, mom. I donated RM10.”
“Yes, you are right. We just received an official receipt from 《星洲日报》 . Look here. This is dad’s name + the amount we donated, your RM10 is included in this amount. “。。。
(还清楚记得六月中旬的一个早上,妈咪吃完早餐后在饭桌前 填写支票及捐款表格,孩子很“鸡婆“地挨近我问, “Mom, what are you doing?” 随即告诉他妈咪爸爸要捐钱,希望可以“救人”。可怜的林建 锋小弟弟才不到两个月大,因为心脏有两个大孔,急需六十 万令吉手术费,否则小命难保。妈咪还给他看了《星洲》的 报道和照片。承懿拿起报纸看了一会儿,就到书桌打开抽屉, 拿了他的小钱包,从里面拿出一张RM10,返回饭桌边 给我。”Mom, I want to do charity too. This is 1/3 of my saving last month. I want to donate to this little baby and help him.” 哟!有点意外,这孩子有恻隐之心啊!当然妈咪是很欣慰又感 动的。“Thank you, Sam. You are very kind. I am very proud of you. I am sure dad is proud of you too.” 我还紧紧抱了他一下。妈咪也告诉他,因为支票已经填妥了,妈咪不会再改,但上面的数额其中的RM10是承懿捐助的,很肯定。妈咪和爸爸只捐助RMxxx (即支票数额减掉RM10)而已。他很满意地点点头。)
。。。随着刚收到的正式收据,妈咪也告诉承懿说大概是支票寄出之后的半个月, 《星洲》告知读者们,已经帮林建锋小弟弟筹足所需的手术费用,林小弟弟很快就会动手术,有救了。这世界里有很多好心人,一人捐一点,就众志成城了。”You are one of them, boy.” 这孩子咧嘴一笑,眼睛似乎很有光彩 : “Mom, I feel G-O-O-D!”
“Don’t you remember sometime in June, we made a donation to 《星洲日报》? The little boy who is just 2 months old, he has 2 big holes at his heart. He needs a lot of money to go for operation. Remember now?”
“Oh, ya. I remember, mom. I donated RM10.”
“Yes, you are right. We just received an official receipt from 《星洲日报》 . Look here. This is dad’s name + the amount we donated, your RM10 is included in this amount. “。。。
Sam, ema is so very proud of you too! Moahh...!