今天胖爸爸因公事在身,只有妈咪陪伴少爷。当游泳教练对七 个年纪相若又淘气的学生说 :”Boys, class is over. See you next week.” 那两个金发碧眼的美国靓仔即刻跑到在泳池旁做日光浴的爹地 身边,讨钱买冰淇淋,那是他们每周例行的公事。这边厢三位身形样貌都极像似的三兄弟也一人手里拿着一支冰淇淋回 来了。承懿看了看他的伙伴们又看了看妈咪并没有作声。妈 咪当然知道他想什么也不作声。承懿冲好凉从浴室出来,妈 咪在外面等候。这时另一位印裔的游泳同伴也刚买了一支冰淇淋,正在付钱。
终于我的儿子忍不住了,指一指大冰箱:“妈咪,可以买冰淇淋 吗?”
“Sam, mommy can buy an ice cream for you, but not at the club house here. Do you know why ?Let me explain to you. “
妈咪将承懿带到装着五颜六色冰淇淋的大冰箱那儿,指着价格表 说:
“Look at the price, Sam. This ice cream (典型的甜筒,他的最爱)is selling at RM4.00. If we buy the same type of ice cream outside, lets say at 7-11 or petrol station, it will only cost us RM2.50. So, which one will you buy?”
“I will buy the cheaper ones…..Mommy, lets go.” 他伸手过来帮我拿包包,准备要走了。
母子俩朝停车场方向走,妈咪继续说:“这里一支卖4零吉,外 面卖2零吉50仙,how much is the difference?”
“One ringgit 50 sen.”
“One ringgit 50 sen may not be a big amount, but lets say we buy ice cream every week, for 10 weeks continuously. How much money we can save? It means RM1.50 X 10 …..how much?”
“Err…..you mean fifteen ringgit?”
“Ya! A lot of money,right?”
“I think we can buy a lot of things with RM15.”
开车回家。在住家附近的7-11便利店停下,妈咪和承懿一 块进去买冰淇淋。东看看西选选,终于要了Nestle Drumstick Vanilla 口味,妈咪付钱。
“Mommy, it costs RM2.20 here, we save RM1.80.”
“Sam, mommy can buy an ice cream for you, but not at the club house here. Do you know why ?Let me explain to you. “
“Look at the price, Sam. This ice cream (典型的甜筒,他的最爱)is selling at RM4.00. If we buy the same type of ice cream outside, lets say at 7-11 or petrol station, it will only cost us RM2.50. So, which one will you buy?”
“I will buy the cheaper ones…..Mommy, lets go.” 他伸手过来帮我拿包包,准备要走了。
“One ringgit 50 sen.”
“One ringgit 50 sen may not be a big amount, but lets say we buy ice cream every week, for 10 weeks continuously. How much money we can save? It means RM1.50 X 10 …..how much?”
“Err…..you mean fifteen ringgit?”
“Ya! A lot of money,right?”
“I think we can buy a lot of things with RM15.”
“Mommy, it costs RM2.20 here, we save RM1.80.”
Hahhaaahhaa..... yes, yes, 孺子可教! This lesson is very very essential and important for him. Because certain things are too easily available (to him); well, perhaps except those Tranformers and Ben-10 toys lar, where he needs to save up to buy them.
回复删除jo...most of the time, i have to be the "bad cop" , as you are aware. (what to do?) but i dont mind to continue doing that if it will help yr nephew to understand more about the good-values :) ...FYI, most of his Ben-1o toys are contributed by Uncle Ian + KFC, the Transformers by his fatty dad + Uncle Ian too. Yr nephew is really saving for his WII...has been saving since 2010. :)
回复删除佩芳。。。没办法,我想只有这样他才会“比较” 和 “明白” 。我们互相学习吧! :)