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“Huh ? 什么'结婚的事'?What is that ?” 妈咪可是吓了一大跳。
“我要和 CCC (宝贝自认定的小小女朋友)结婚啦 !” 还很理所当然那样。
师奶心里在喊 OMG 的当儿,脸上还要很若无其事地继续问。
"So what happened actually ? Did u tell anyone that you are going to 结婚?"
"I just told HHQ only. (这个小学长,妈咪知道)...but I think he is 'mulut tempayan'...now so many people know."
"When did you tell him? What did you tell him?"
"I told him before the exam...(压低声音) ‘HHQ, 我跟你讲一个秘密。。。我在未来要和 CCC结婚。这是秘密,不要和别人讲。’ 。。。like that la."
"So, how come you know many people knew about it?"
"This afternoon in Computer Room, SWL (上个学期宝贝邻座女同学) came to tell me."
"What did she say?"
"She said ‘赖承懿,我知道你要和 CCC 结婚的事了。很多人都知道了。’"

听到这里,妈咪真的差一点就要pengsan了。童言无忌。我家宝贝根本是‘乱乱讲话’。将秘密告诉朋友,谁知如今。。。?妈咪一怕是老师听信这些‘流言’而把承懿拿去”照肺‘, 二怕 CCC 会因为这一些话而尴尬,不再和承懿做朋友。。。唉!又要义正言辞地和宝贝说话了。
" Sam, I know you like CCC very much. You admire her a lot. Because she is brainy."
"Yes, mommy."
"Well, it's too early to talk about 结婚 now. You are only 9 years old. Remember what dad told you?"
"Ya, I remember. Dad said I must finish my college then only can talk about it."
"Exactly. So, even how much you like CCC now, you want her to become your girl friend, or you would like to marry her in future, please keep it to yourself. Of course you can tell mom and dad. BUT please don't go and tell your classmates."
"Why? Mom. Wy?"
"As I told you, it's too young to talk about marriage, you are still schooling. You can't even take care of yourself, so how to take care of your wife, see?"
"Ya ya..."

孩子, 你仰慕女生,一个聪颖的女生是没有错啦。你只是太坦白了一点。 只是妈咪真的很怕老师会捉你去骂咯。Keep my fingers crossed!

6 条评论:

Samantha 说...

i think he is admiring her. He is too young to differentiate admire and love la :0) very cute

牛車輪 说...


莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

samantha...for sure "admire" 倾慕/仰慕...what kind of "love"? cant even call it "puppy love" right? haha :P...will take time to explain loh.

yy 。。。哈哈!所言甚是。要接纳又要开导说教沟通。现代父母不易为啊 :P

佩芳 说...

哇哈哈哈,你家的少爷还真不赖。那么快就帮你找定了儿媳妇。bei pai!

jo 说...

I still couldnt stop laughing when i was reading this, though i already knew it before this.
Apalar! Now, more people will know about his 結婚 lar, since you posted the news over here, hahaha!! :D

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

佩芳。。。pai 到“贴地”。 哈哈哈!都不知要哭还是要笑? :P

jo...no worry la.yr nephew frens are not following "sasa mommy"....and also, i did not disclose the name, see? I used CCC. :P

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